Software and Manual download

DOWNLOADSoftware and Manual download


Please complete the form below to download our software and operational manuals.
If you have any questions or concerns about our products, please contact us by phone (TEL: +81 49 242 9184) or by filling in our inquiry form .

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Software and Manual Download Form

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*If you choose to download the software, you must agree to the license terms.

License agreement

Conditions for granting the license

You shall not use this software before you agree to any terms of the following software license agreement (in the rest of this document, referred to as this agreement).
By using or copying all or any portion of the software, you are agreeing to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this agreement and this agreement shall be valid immediately.

(Article 1. Grant of license)

True Soltec Co., Ltd. (in the rest of this agreement, referred to as True Soltec ) grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, and limited license to download the Software for free in order to use the Software, conditioned upon compliance with all of the terms and conditions of this agreement.

(Article2. Prohibition of modification, reverse engineering, transfer, etc. )

2.1True Soltec shall prohibit your following acts regarding to the Software.

1.Acts of amending, changing, adapting or reverse engineering of the Software regardless of the way

2.Acts of reselling, transferring, redistributing, renting, or leasing the Software or its license key provided by True Soltec to any third parties, or any other acts similar thereto ,or granting the license to use the software and its license key to any third parties, excluding cases where True Soltec grants permissions to you in advance

(Article 3. Copy rights or the other intellectual property rights)

True Soltec reserves all associated copyrights and other intellectual property rights pertaining to the software.

(Article 4. Measures for prohibition of use)

4.1.If you should violate any terms of this agreement, True Soltec may cancel this agreement one-sidedly. In this case, you shall return the Software to True Soltec immediately.

4.2.You shall compensate True Soltec for costs or any lost profits caused by your violation or breach of any term of this Agreement.

(Article 5. Disclaimer)

5.1.In no event will True Soltec be liable to you or any other parties for any loss, damages and troubles resulting from using the Software.

5.2. In no event will True Soltec be liable to you for failures of the download , troubles or defects of the Software itself or in the rights.

(Article 6. Governing Law)

This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of Japan.

(Article 7. User’s private information protection)

Private information in the possession of True Soltec, which is recorded at the download, shall be used only by True Soltec in its business activities and not be transferred or sold to any third parties.

(Article 8. Supplementary provision)

You shall be obligated to pay an appropriate royalty to True Soltec, if you use the Software for purposes other than utilizing the product provided by True Soltec.


License agreement

Conditions for granting the license

You shall not use this software before you agree to any terms of the following software license agreement (in the rest of this document, referred to as this agreement).
By using or copying all or any portion of the software, you are agreeing to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this agreement and this agreement shall be valid immediately.

(Article 1. Grant of license)

True Soltec Co., Ltd. (in the rest of this agreement, referred to as True Soltec ) grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, and limited license to download the Software for free in order to use the Software, conditioned upon compliance with all of the terms and conditions of this agreement.

(Article2. Prohibition of modification, reverse engineering, transfer, etc. )

2.1True Soltec shall prohibit your following acts regarding to the Software.

1.Acts of amending, changing, adapting or reverse engineering of the Software regardless of the way

2.Acts of reselling, transferring, redistributing, renting, or leasing the Software or its license key provided by True Soltec to any third parties, or any other acts similar thereto ,or granting the license to use the software and its license key to any third parties, excluding cases where True Soltec grants permissions to you in advance

(Article 3. Copy rights or the other intellectual property rights)

True Soltec reserves all associated copyrights and other intellectual property rights pertaining to the software.

(Article 4. Measures for prohibition of use)

4.1.If you should violate any terms of this agreement, True Soltec may cancel this agreement one-sidedly. In this case, you shall return the Software to True Soltec immediately.

4.2.You shall compensate True Soltec for costs or any lost profits caused by your violation or breach of any term of this Agreement.

(Article 5. Disclaimer)

5.1.In no event will True Soltec be liable to you or any other parties for any loss, damages and troubles resulting from using the Software.

5.2. In no event will True Soltec be liable to you for failures of the download , troubles or defects of the Software itself or in the rights.

(Article 6. Governing Law)

This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of Japan.

(Article 7. User’s private information protection)

Private information in the possession of True Soltec, which is recorded at the download, shall be used only by True Soltec in its business activities and not be transferred or sold to any third parties.

(Article 8. Supplementary provision)

You shall be obligated to pay an appropriate royalty to True Soltec, if you use the Software for purposes other than utilizing the product provided by True Soltec.


Contact Form

Contact us by TEL

+81-49-242-9184(Mon - Fri, 9:00am -6:00pm)

Contact us by FAX


Business Day Calendar

February 2025

Business holiday
